The Reinvestigation to Hu Shi's Outline of the History of Chinese Philosophy|—Several Undiscussed Topics
摘要: 胡适的《中国哲学史大纲》,是中国现代学术的奠基之作,也是当今学术思想史研究中所绕不开的话题。文章围绕几个容易被学术界所忽略的问题,诸如《大纲》与白话文运动的关系,《大纲》的启蒙主义思想性格,《大纲》对传统文化、尤其是对儒家正统思想的建设性开发,以及《大纲》与冯友兰的《中国哲学史》时代性格之比较,就以上几个学术同仁认识不足、或未曾涉及的问题,进行简要的分析、论证,同时提出作者自己的一得之见。
- 胡适 /
- 《中国哲学史大纲》白话文 /
- 启蒙思想 /
- 原始儒家
Abstract: Hu Shih's Outline of the History of Chinese Philosophy, the milestone of modern learning in China, is one of the most popular researches focus among the academia.Here,a personal idea will be proposed following a discussion focusing on several neglected or not fully discussed topics,such as the relationship between Outline of the History of Chinese Philosophy and Vernacular Movement, the enlightenment thought of Outline of the History of Chinese Philosophy, the inspiration from Outline of the History of Chinese Philosophy to traditional culture(especially to Confucianism),and the comparison related to epoch-influence between Outline of the History of Chinese Philosophy and Feng Youlan's A Short History of Chinese Philosophy.
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