The Research on Benefit Standard of System of Urban Minimum Living in Beijing: from Absolute Poverty to Relative Poverty
摘要: 津贴标准是最低生活保障制度的重要构成要素。文章采用近十年北京统计年鉴的相关数据,分析北京城市低保标准对降低绝对贫困和相对贫困的影响。研究发现,在绝对贫困的维度上,北京城市低保标准能较好满足保障对象的基本生活需求,体现了生存性的原则。但在相对贫困方面上,当前低保标准几乎无法推动相对公平,促进共享发展也相当有限。从近年来低保支出占地方政府财政收支的比率看,北京城市低保支出具有可负担性。因此,适当提高低保标准、推动相对贫困意义的低保标准是可行的。
- 城市居民最低生活保障制度 /
- 低保津贴 /
- 绝对贫困 /
- 相对贫困
Abstract: The benefit standard is a vital factor of the minimum living security system. Based on the related data from Beijing statistical yearbook of recent ten years, this paper dicusses whether the benefit standard of system of urban minimum living impact the absolute and relative poverty in Beijing. This study discovers that the benefit standard of Beijing urban resident minimum living security system met the basic living need of the security objects, and maintained the subsistence level in the dimension of absolute poverty. But in the aspect of relative poverty, it hardly propelled the relative equity, and it was limited to promote shared development. According to the proportion of total spending of the minimum living security in the local government’s revenue and expenditure during the past years, the social expenditure has been affordable, and it is feasible to improve the benefit standard and reset it in the sense of relative poverty. -
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