Multimodal Construal of Appraisal: A Case Study of Olympics Television Public Service Advertising
摘要: 文章以评价系统和社会符号学视觉分析法为理论框架,运用实证法考察奥运电视公益广告语言和电视画面的评价资源。研究结果表明,语言方面,内嵌式的判定和鉴别意义是评价群体行为和社会现象的主要手段,介入和分级资源的运用有利于联盟读者、加强评价意义。在电视画面中,特写镜头的运用增添了内嵌式情感意义,形象化比喻和选择特定概念意义的画面则含蓄地激发观众的评判和鉴别。最后,文章讨论电视公益广告图文资源的意义相乘关系,并得出多模态电视公益广告评价意义的构建模式。Abstract: This paper aims to investigate the verbal and visual appraisal resources in Olympic television public service advertising by adopting the theoretical framework of appraisal systems and visual grammar. The research findings indicate that inscribed judgement and appreciation are the dominant attitudinal meanings in the verbiage. Engagement and graduation resources contribute to the alignment with the audience and the enhancement of evaluative meanings. In terms of the visual images on television screen, three visual styles (i.e. close-up, visualization of imageries and visualization of ideational tokens) are identified, which construct evaluative meanings via inscription and invocation respectively. The relationship of ‘multiplying meaning’ between the verbal and visual appraisal resources is also discussed. The pattern of multimodal construal of appraisal is concluded at the end of the study.
Key words:
- multimodality /
- appraisal systems /
- television public service

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