Reflections on the Ideological Issues of Big Data: The Generation and Governance of “Digital Leviathan”
摘要: 大数据技术在推动社会物质生活发展的同时,也会因社会思潮、舆论造势、心理定势等原因而走向意识形态化,从而产生“数字利维坦”的负面影响,具体表现为唯数据主义下个体理性地位的式微、数据垄断态势下社会价值的离析以及数据集权趋势下国家安全的损害。为了有效治理需要多元施策,首先要以提升安全感为前提,还原技术本真;其次要以增进获得感为手段,满足人民需求;最后要以促进幸福感为目标,推动社会进步。Abstract: While promoting the development of social material life, big data technology will also become ideologically oriented due to social trends, public opinion and psychological stereotypes, resulting in the negative impact of “Digital Leviathan”. It has three forms: one is the decline of individual rational status under statisticalism, the other is the segregation of social value under data monopoly, and the third is the damage to national security under the trend of data centralization. In order to effectively govern the need for multiple measures, first of all to enhance the sense of security as the premise, restore the nature of technology; secondly, to enhance the sense of gain as a means to meet the needs of the people; finally, to promote happiness as the goal, to promote social progress.
Key words:
- big data /
- ideology /
- Digital Leviathan /
- technology reflection
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