Contact between Ren Fang and Xiao Ziliang Man of Letters Group
摘要: 作为萧子良文士集团的核心成员,任昉与沈约、萧琛、王融、谢朓、范云、萧衍、陆倕、张思光,何宪、孔广、江淹、虞炎、何僩、周颙、庾杲之、刘虬、宗夬、柳恽、王僧孺、江革、范缜、孔休源、谢朏等人均有交往。萧子良过逝后,任昉作《文宣竟陵王行状》,高度肯定了萧子良的品行、学识、政绩和招士活动。萧衍建梁后,任昉任吏部尚书,成为梁初文士集团的中心人物。任昉将王俭、萧子良文士集团重视学术和文学、为官清廉的传统延续到梁朝。Abstract: As a core member of Xiao Ziliang man of letters group, Ren Fang has contact with Shen Yue, Xiao Chen, Wang Rong and so on.After Xiao Ziliang's death, Ren Fang highly affirmed his behavior, knowledge, political achevements, etc.After Xiao Yan estabhished Liang Dynasty, Ren Fang was appointed minister of the Ministry of Personnel Affairs and became the central character in the man of letters group.He inherited Xiao Ziliang Group's tradition of attaching importance to science and literature and being honest and incorruptible official.
Key words:
- Ren Fang /
- Xiao Ziliang /
- Wang Jian /
- man of letters group /
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