Chinese Intellectuals and the CPC During the Anti-Japanese War: WEN Yi-duo, WEI Jun-yi, ZOU Tao-fen and LI Ding-ming
摘要: 共产党开始独立从事武装斗争、夺取领导权活动的十年内战时期,中国广大的知识分子的多数对于中共的事业是持中立或消极的态度的,中共事业的合理性主要是在农民那里得到了充分的认可。抗战爆发后,知识分子对中共疏离的状况得到了极大的改观,不少曾对共产主义持反对态度的人渐渐缓和起来、甚至于转向;多数曾安于书斋、追求个人天地的以大中学校学生为主体的中小知识分子空前地团结在中共抗日救国的旗帜下;为数不多的以追求自由民主、反对独裁专制为目标的知识分子,也出于对国民政府腐败的愤怒和共产党新民主主义的认同而同情、支持起中共来了;传统的乡绅知识分子在中共放弃阶级斗争和坚决抗日的双重政策感召下,也积极地向共产党靠拢。本文特选取了各派的代表人物闯一多、韦君宜、邹韬奋、李鼎铭等政治心理的发展过程,从一个侧面说明了抗战时期中国共产党得以发展壮大的原因。Abstract: After the anti-Japanese War broke out, many Chinese intellectuals no longer estranged themselves from the Communist Party of China (CPC) either because of their indignation at the Kuomintang, or of their pursuit after the democracy in China, or of their sympathy for and movement by the CPC.This article explores the reasons of the expansion of the CPC by analyzing the development of the political psychology of four different schools of Chinese intellectuals respectively with WEN Yi-duo,WEI Jun-yi, ZOU Tao-fen and LI Ding-ming as representatives.
Key words:
- the anti-Japanese War /
- the Communist Party of China:WEN Yi-duo /
- WEI Jun-yi /
- ZOU Tao-fen /
- LI Ding-ming /
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