In the literary arena at the end of the just passed century and at the present time, the trend of nihilism on history shown in the current literature and art criticisms has been surprisingly praised by some people as a "Bright Point" and followed as a "Fashion". This trend is mainly characterized by its improper summary and introspection of the development of the Chinese literature and art in the 20 th Century. It reveals more of its nature with its sarcasm and depreciation on some of the master-level writers as well as their literary achievements. This article here, after giving a general survey of the trend of nihilism on history shown in the current literature and art criticisms, has further made a penetrating "scholastic and theoretical" analysis of this trend. This article comes to the conclusion that the trend of nihilism on history shown in some of the current literature and art criticisms, tends to replace reality with ideals, and marks the reappearance of the viewpoint of heroes creating history. It is, to a certain degree, an extension of an ultra-left and either-right-or-wrong related metaphysics mode of thinking under the specific historical conditions. It is a typical reflection of the trend of nihilism thought on history in the literature and art fields.It is exactly what shall be thoroughly dismissed.