The Study on the “3+3” Undergraduate Tutorial SystemTaking University of Science and Technology Beijing as an Example
摘要: 本科生导师制是充分发挥高校教师立德树人作用、提高人才培养质量的重要育人举措。最初牛津大学建立本科生导师制的要义是建立亦师亦友的亲密师生关系,激发学生独立思考、自主学习能力。而导师制在国内的推行则面临着高等教育规模激增、导师规模相对匮乏的困境。文章以北京科技大学推行本科生全程导师制为例,探讨了“3+3”本科生导师制的理论依据、制度实践及实施效果,总结并指出还需继续在认识、组织、互动、考核等四个方面下功夫,进一步建立健全该制度。。Abstract: The undergraduate tutorial system is an educational measure to give full play to the important role of College Teachers in high morals molding and the people-oriented cultivation and improve the quality of talent training. The essence of the undergraduate tutorial system at Oxford University is to establish a close relationship between teachers and students and to stimulate students’ independent thinking and independent learning ability. The implementation of the tutorial system in China is faced with the predicament of the rapid increase of the scale of higher education and the relative shortage of tutors. Taking the whole-course tutorial system for undergraduates in University of Science and Technology Beijing as an example, this paper discusses the theoretical basis, system practice and implementation effect of the “3+3” tutorial system for undergraduates, and puts forward that efforts should be made in four aspects, such as understanding, organization, interaction and assessment. The results of the questionnaire survey show that the “3+3” undergraduate tutorial system has a good effect.
图 1 “3+3”本科生导师制育人模式图
表 1 导师制基本情况调查表
满意度百分比(%) 导师制的
了解情况百分比(%) 非常满意 43.28 非常了解 16.77 满意 34.78 了解 47.43 一般 17.80 一般 28.09 不太满意 2.37 较不了解 6.04 不满意 1.77 完全不了解 1.68 表 2 学生与导师的沟通方式调查表
选项 学生与导师实际
沟通方式(%)定期会面 37.36 55.95 不定期会面 53.29 31.89 定期线上(微信、QQ、邮件、
电话等)交流12.11 34.98 不定期线上(微信、QQ、邮件、电话等)交流 39.12 29.61 参与团队组会、学术沙龙 10.40 30.43 参与导师主持的科研项目 6.01 42.56 参与高年级学生毕业论文开题、
答辩等3.90 28.47 其他 4.55 1.57 -
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