Ideology and Strategies of Culture-oriented Translation—A Comparative Study on Two Versions of Fu Sheng Liu Ji
摘要: 随着翻译实践的进一步深入,传统翻译理论已经无法解释译本中尤其是文化翻译部分出现的越来越多的“不忠”现象。作为中国文化典籍之一的《浮生六记》,其不同时期两个英译本的译文和原文存在诸多差异。勒菲弗尔的“操控论”为此差异现象提供了意识形态的新视角。文章对比分析了《浮生六记》两个译本中文化翻译策略的选择,探讨了意识形态与文化翻译策略生成的相互关系,以期引导翻译工作者在文化翻译中能恰当地选择翻译策略,避免文化中心主义的影响,最终达到平等文化交流的目的。Abstract: Traditional translation theories are unable to explain certain “unfaithful” translations along with further translation practice. Lefevere’s theory brings a brand-new perspective of ideology on explaining the “unfaithful” phenomena. Through making a comparative study of two English versions of Fu Sheng Liu Ji on the culture-oriented translation strategies, the aim of this paper is to clarify the relationship between ideology and the culture-oriented translation strategies. Thereafter practitioners in translation could make better choices on translation strategies, avoid the effect of ethnocentrism and eventually be able to make equal cultural exchange happen in the future.
Key words:
- ideology /
- culture-oriented translation /
- translation strategies
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