Behind the Revolt——A Comparison between Fu Ping and Laura Portrayed by Wang Anyi and Porter
摘要: 王安忆和凯瑟琳.安.波特虽然生活在不同国度、不同年代,却拥有颇为一致的创作理念,她们通过描摹作为个体的人的生存境遇及其心灵世界来表现他们形而下的生存哲学。文章从富萍和劳拉的“反叛性”入手,对她们反叛的形式、内容以及结局进行分析,力图揭示她们反叛背后的真实,说明东西方两位女作家因天时地利不同、社会文化背景差异而刻画了两个不同的人物形象,传递了不同的叙述意图,却表达了相同的人文关怀。王安忆以反叛并坚守自我的富萍形象从正面表明:人不仅要自由选择,更要在选择后努力造就自我,走向完整人性;而波特则通过在反叛中迷惘甚至丢弃自我的劳拉形象说明:人首先必须正确认识自我,并在认识本真自我的过程中培养坚强品格,这样人才能真正面对现实,走向未来。Abstract: Wang Anyi and Katherine Anne Porter, though from different countries and times, share quite similar literary principles as they effectively picture the existence and spirit of the common people.This article compares images of Fu Ping and Laura respectively portrayed by the two novelists so as to see their creative purposes and humanistic concerns.Through Fu Ping's revolt and persistence in self, Wang conveys that one's free choice is important, but what's more important is to build up one's self to reach his wholeness.By Laura's revolt and abandonment of self, Porter convinces readers that proper self-recognition is important but what's more important is to foster one's tenacity to face reality and future.

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