Recessive Narration of “Day and Night, Kitchen and Love”——On Yan Ge's Novel “Our Family”
摘要: “80后”青年作家颜歌于2013年发表的长篇小说《我们家》,有意避开宏大严肃的命题,另辟蹊径以一种轻松调笑式的独到笔触,书写蜀地永安县城平乐镇一家人的喜忧日常,开辟了新生代作家乡土文学后家族书写的新范式。《我们家》中有三条突出的叙事线索,即“昼夜,厨房与爱”,分别代表时间、饮食和情欲,加上麻辣鲜香又生猛呛鼻的,带有郫县豆瓣气息的川味方言,共同建构了《我们家》的隐性叙事,从而把琐碎生活的真相完整地呈现于读者面前。Abstract: The novel“Our Family”, published in 2013 by Yan Ge, a young writer of the post-80s generation, deliberately avoids the grand and serious proposition,takes a new approach to write about the daily happiness and worries of the family in Pingle Town, Yong an County Town of Shu land, with a unique style of writing in a relaxed tone of laughter.It opens up a new paradigm for the post-family writing of the new generation of writers in local literature.“Our Family” has three prominent narrative clues: “Day and Night, Kitchen and Love,” representing time, diet and sexual passion respectively.In addition, the Sichuan dialect with the flavor of Pixian County's Bean petal, which is spicy and fragrant, has constructed the recessive narration of“Our Family”, so that the truth of trivial life is completely presented to the reader.
Key words:
- Yan Ge /
- “Our Family” /
- The original face of life /
- Recessive narration
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