Geopolitical Issues Affecting Modernization and National State Governance
摘要: 国家转型将直接的物质利益和抽象利益叠加诉诸于政治权力主体,而国家利益外溢和全球化的深入“呼唤”着治理空间的转向。从国内层面来看,国家治理需要更加关注政治地理空间的社会属性,深入探讨空间生产带来的正义问题、权力—权利问题、秩序问题是实现国家治理全面性和精准性的本质要求。从国际层面再看,国家发展应有自己的利益边疆。既要在复杂的国际环境下吸取外部先进经验,更要参与构建世界体系,贡献本国世界治理方案,不断适应国家利益形态的空间转向。统筹国际国内两个大局是治理现代化进程中政治地理空间问题的两个基本面向,更是实现中华民族伟大复兴的必然选择。Abstract: The national transformation appeals to the superposition of direct material and abstract interests in regard to political power,and the spillover of national interests and the deepening of globalization require changes within its government.At the domestic level, national governance needs to pay more attention to the social attributes of geopolitics, to explore in-depth the issues of justice,power and rights.The difficulty lies is the requirement to realize comprehensive and objective state governance.At the international level,China's development should have its own interests.It is necessary to absorb the advanced external experience in the complex international environment as well as participate in the construction of the world system,to contribute to the national world governance scheme and adapt to the spatial turn of China's national interest pattern.Coordinating the international and domestic situations is needed to successfully manage geopolitics in the process of modernization,and it is the inevitable choice to realize the great rejuvenation of China.
Key words:
- state governance /
- political geographical space /
- power space domain /
- interest actors
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