Theory of Planned Behavior Approach to Understand the Determinants of Green Agricultural Products Purchasing Behavior
摘要: 文章基于计划行为理论(TPB)及相关理论拓展研究,构建了绿色农产品购买行为影响研究框架,采用单因素方差分析和Logit模型就消费者风险偏好、健康意识、支付意愿、行为与意识一致性、消费者个体特征和家庭特征对消费者绿色农产品购买行为的影响进行研究。研究结果显示:绿色农产品购买行为在男性和女性群体存在明显差异;健康意识和支付意愿具有显著正相关作用,且女性模型更显著;男性存在意识和行为不一致的现象,以至于反向选择,对绿色农产品购买具有显著负作用;家庭特征比个体特征对消费者购买绿色农产品行为更具有显著作用,女性且与小孩同住的消费者购买行为相应增加,而独居群体购买倾向较差。Abstract: Based on the theory of planned behavior (TPB) and some related research, this study creates a framework to understand green farm products purchasing behavior. By using the single factor analysis of variance and Logit model, this paper studies the influence of consumer risk preference, health consciousness, willingness to pay premium, behavior and consciousness consistency, consumer individual characteristics and characteristics of family on consumer green agricultural products purchasing behavior. We find that there are significant difference between male and female groups, and health consciousness and willingness to pay premium have significant positive correlation to consumer green agricultural products purchasing behavior especially for women. Men show consciousness and behavior inconsistency which has significant negative effect on green agricultural products purchasing. The family characteristics of consumer have more significant effect on green agricultural products purchasing than individual characteristics. Women living with children increase green purchasing, but people living alone do the opposite.
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