On Mediator Neutrality
摘要: 理论上对调解员中立的大力倡导和实践中调解员中立的严重缺乏形成了强烈反差。调解员坚定的中立信念常常受到调解实践中很多因素的影响,从而使调解员在不知不觉中丧失中立。不同调解员之间,以及当事人与调解员之间对于中立性的理解往往存在很大偏差,而当事人却是调解员是否中立的最终评判者这一事实,却导致调解员在中立问题上如履薄冰。对调解员而言,调解中立并不只是一种态度,更是一种技巧。调解员仅仅在自己内心做到无偏无私并不能满足调解中立的要求,调解员不可能像法官一样静态地严守中立,调解员需要在动态介入中保持中立。中立仰赖调解员对调解过程中很多细节问题的处理,如果调解员在无意间出现某种错误倾向,将直接导致当事人对于调解员中立性的质疑。Abstract: There exists a huge gap and sharp contrast between the theoretical advocacy and realistic lack of mediator neutrality.Due to the influence of many factors involved in the mediation practice, even though a mediator may possess firm neutrality belief, he may lose his ground consciously or sub-consciously during the whole process.Different mediators and parties have different understandings towards neutrality, which may cause unnecessary disputes and controversies in mediation practice.It will then be very difficult for the mediator to carry out mediation process, especially when the parties have always been the final judge about mediator neutrality.To the mediators, neutrality is more a kind of technique than an attitude.Apart from the sense of neutrality bared in one's inner heart, neutrality also depends on the mediator's capability to handle the detailed problems in the mediation process, which in turn affects the parties' attitude towards the mediator's neutrality.The neutrality principle requires a lot about the mediator's communication skills.
Key words:
- civil and commercial mediation /
- neutrality /
- communication skills
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