The Adoption and Surpassing of Lienüzhuan by Liu Xiang from the Female Narrative of Guoyu
摘要: 《列女传》采用人物传记体式,围绕传主的言行来叙述一个或多个故事以揭示传主品性。《国语》是《列女传》重要的取资来源。《列女传》对《国语》女性叙事的继承关系主要表现为三种形式:照录《国语》、《国语》的节略、以《国语》为基础杂糅其它文献。《列女传》对《国语》女性叙事的超越表现为:以系统、综合的群像形态出现,改变了《国语》女性形象的散见式分布。Abstract: The Lienüzhuan is written in a biographical style. Around the biographees’ words and deeds, it narrates one or several stories to reveal the biographees’ moral characters. Guoyu is one of the most important information sources for the Lienüzhuan which inherits Guoyu in three ways. The first is to imitate the stories of Guoyu in an indiscriminate manner, the second is to capsulize Guoyu, and the third is to mix the Guoyu-based and other literature. The surpassing manifests as the appearance of the systematic and integrated group portraits, which changes the distributed environment of female images in Guoyu.
Key words:
- Lienüzhuan /
- Guoyu female-narrative /
- female images /
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