On the Construction and Path of Innovative Ecosystem of Fujian and Taiwan High-tech Industry
摘要: 创新3.0时代,闽台合作一荣俱荣,一损俱损。文章以生态学为隐喻,提出闽台高新技术产业创新生态系统是由高校、科研院所、企业等不同栖息者与“五位一体”的非生物支撑环境之间相互作用而形成的动态平衡系统。在创新生态系统内闽台合作具有领域共占、互惠共生、协同进化、结网群居的特征。借鉴国内外区域创新生态系统的成功经验,提出培育闽台高新技术产业创新生态系统的路径建议。Abstract: In the era of innovation 3.0, the cooperation between Fujian and Taiwan will rise or fall together. With ecology as a metaphor, this paper proposes that the innovation ecosystem of high-tech industries in Fujian and Taiwan, is a dynamic balance system formed by the interaction between different habitats such as universities, research institutes, enterprises and the non-biological supporting environment of “five in one”. In this innovative ecosystem, the cooperation between Fujian and Taiwan has the characteristics of sharing, mutual symbiosis, co-evolution and social networking. Based on the successful experience of domestic and foreign regional innovation ecosystem, this paper puts forward the path suggestions to cultivate the innovation ecosystem of Fujian and Taiwan high-tech industry.
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