On the Reasons for Crime of Serious Environmental Pollution Accident
摘要: 企业污染犯罪在宏观层面主要是因为市场机制不健全,企业环保责任、社会责任缺失,政府监管的不作为、乱作为,相关法律制度不健全。微观层面的根本原因是生产力与生产关系的矛盾。同时,发展观错位、“人类中心主义”的刑法观导致刑法对重大环境污染事故惩罚时机滞后,加剧了重大环境污染事故犯罪。因此,宏观上完善环境污染监管制度,强化政府责任,完善环境保护相关的市场机制,健全环境保护法制。微观上增强科技创新能力,减少生产过程中的污染,提高污染治理能力,从根源上防治重大环境污染事故犯罪;在人类中心主义和自然中心主义之间寻求刑法介入的恰当时机,增设重大环境污染事故犯罪的危险犯、过失危险犯类型。Abstract: The arsenic pollution in MinQuan County has macro and micro reasons.The macro reasons include government paying little attention to environment, the imperfect market and law mechanism, the absence of environment and social re-sponsibility;the micro reasons include the backward productive forces, the distortion of development concept and the criminal protection for human centralism.So on the one hand the government should take more responsibilities to protect environment, and improve market and law mechanism;on the other hand, criminal law should protect environment earlier, and add the types of dangerous crime to serious environmental pollution accident crime.
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