From the Development of Chinese Translation Historical Facts and Theories to Quest Its Combination Research Paradigm
摘要: 一直以来史论关系在社会科学研究中占据着重要位置,史论结合的研究范式,以科学的理论为指导,通过对客观事物的过去、当前所处的和即将发生的发展过程及相关事实总和的综合研究,达到对客观事物的历史发展的全面把握,进而发现事物的发展趋势和规律性,提出更为科学的理论观点,指导并预测事物的未来发展。翻译史与翻译理论是同属翻译研究分之下的研究对象,近年来关于翻译史论关系的探讨为译学界所热议。文章结合史论结合的研究范式,通过对翻译史的梳理,厘清翻译观的嬗变,进而对当下翻译现状有一个历时的了解与共时的把握,以期对现阶段的中国翻译理论体系构建有所裨益。
- 史论结合 /
- 翻译史 /
- 翻译理论 /
- 中国翻译理论体系构建
Abstract: The discussion on relationship between historical facts and theories always occupies an important position in the researches of social science domains.The research paradigm,with the combination of historical facts and theories,taking the scientific theories as instruction,can reach a situation where researchers can possess a comprehensive understanding of the historical development.It also helps researchers to summarize the development tendencies and rules to propose more scientific viewpoints which can instruct and foresee the following development.Translation history and theories are two kinds of research branches subjected to translation studies.Nowadays the issues of the relationships between them has been discussed widely.Combing with the research paradigm of history and theories,this paper tries to have a diachronic and synchronic understanding towards current translation appearance by clarifying the development of translation history and evolution of translation theories,which hopes to benefit the construction of China's translation theory system. -
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