Analysis of the Cognitive Dilemma of Virtual Reality Technology
摘要: “虚拟现实技术”正日益成为一个改变人类生活的新技术。其最大特征是给使用者带来一个混合现实的认知环境,以沉浸式感知体验突破了传统社会中现实环境的单一维度,创造了一种全新的人类认知实践方法。与此同时,这种虚拟认知某种程度上模糊了真实与虚拟的界限,必然产生认知者在虚实之间转换的二元分裂问题,从而造成用户的认知困境。就如同“缸中之脑”,由于这种“代码”性的信息输入,在主体认知中形成一种碎片化重组的观念,而正是这种观念的存在,才会导致主体对虚实处境的混淆,给自身带来困惑。若将这种虚实倒置观念带入到现实生活中,则会对自身和他人带来危险。因此从认识层面进行深入分析及规范探讨势在必行。Abstract: “Virtual reality technology” is becoming a new technology to change human lives. Its remarkable feature is to bring users a mixed reality cognition environment by immersing the perception experience. It breaks through the single dimension of the realistic environment in the traditional society, and creates a new human cognition practice method. At the same time, this kind of virtual cognition blurs the boundary between reality and virtual to a certain extent, which would inevitably lead to the two element splitting problem of cognition between the virtual and the real, resulting in the user’s cognitive dilemma. Just like “brain in tub”, a concept of fragmentation and reorganization is formed during cognition base on the “code” information input. And such concepts would lead to confusion between the reality and virtual. If the inversion idea is brought into real life, it would bring dangers to oneself and others. So, it should be imperative to conduct in-depth analysis and normative discussion from the cognitive level.
Key words:
- virtual reality technology /
- immersion /
- cognitive illusion
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