The Relationship between We Media and the Government Image
摘要: 公众议程中的属性显要性和客体显要性会影响到公众对客体的评价及行为,同时属性显要性和客体显要性都存在正负之分。反映在自媒体时代下的政府形象塑造中,就会出现自媒体与政府形象的四种关系,分别为正面媒体传播的政府正面形象、正面媒体传播的政府负面形象、负面媒体传播的政府正面形象以及负面媒体传播的政府负面形象。每种状态中自媒体与政府形象的关系都有不同的特点,面临着不同的挑战,要正确处理好二者之间的关系,追求双赢的理想状态,需要认清自媒体的传播环境、善于利用自媒体、及时了解舆论走向、提升政府自身媒介素养、加强政府与自媒体的合作、提高自媒体及公众媒介素养等。Abstract: In the public agenda, the salience of the attributes and the objects affects the evaluation and behavior of the public on the object, and there are positive and negative values of the attributes and the objects. In the “we media” era, it reflects the four relations between “we media” and the government image in the image shaping of government. Therefore, there are four different states - the positive image of the government propagated by the positive media, the negative image of the government propagated by the positive media, the positive image of the government propagated by the negative media and the negative image of the government propagated by the negative media. The relationship between “we media” and the government in each state has different characters and challenges. In order to properly handle the relationship between “we media” and the government and achieve a win-win situation, we are supposed to: recognize the propagation environment of “we media”, be good at using “we media” in a timely manner to understand the trend of public’s opinions, improve government’s media quality, strengthen cooperation between “we media” and the government, improve the media quality of the media and the public.
Key words:
- we media /
- the government image /
- four quadrants /
- image shaping
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