Spatial Turn in The Public Burning
摘要: 罗伯特·库弗的代表作《公众的怒火》通过对美国真实的历史事件“罗森堡间谍案”的改写与虚构反映了当时冷战时期美国人盲目的爱国主义情绪。小说的叙事打破传统的线性结构,在情节和结构上呈现出空间效果。然而对这部小说的多数研究集中在叙述人、叙事模式及叙事时间上,忽略了对其空间形式的研究。美国评论家约瑟夫·弗兰克的空间形式理论认为现代小说打破时间流,呈现出空间性。文章基于这一理论分析小说中的并置、碎片化叙事、蒙太奇等后现代主义写作技巧,探究小说中的时间向空间的转向,使读者能更好地理解后现代作品中所表现的空间立体效果,为后现代历史小说的评价体系注入新的活力。Abstract: Robert Coover’s masterpiece The Public Burning, reproduces the real life of American in contemporary society by reworking historical Rosenberg Event. Joseph Frank’s spatial form theory holds that in modern novels, the time stream is broken and the plot is weakened, demonstrating a spatial tendency. At present, most researches on this novel mainly focus on the time but ignore the space. Based on Joseph Frank’s spatial form theory, this article reinterprets this novel and explores juxtaposition, fragmentation narrative, montage and other postmodernist writing techniques shifting the novel from time to space in plot and structure. So the paper examines the novel from the perspective of space instead of time, avoiding the simplification and closure of the research, making readers understand the spatial effect in post-modernist fictions, which injects new vitality into the evaluation system of postmodernist historical novels.
Key words:
- The Public Burning /
- juxtaposition /
- fragmentation narrative /
- montage /
- spatial form
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