To Listen His Chant of Her “Song”: Analysis of Shao Xun-mei’s Translation from a Poem of C. G. Rossetti
摘要: 文章试图从结构、节奏及韵三个方面着手,将邵洵美的译诗《歌》分别与罗捷梯(Christina Rossetti)的原诗“Song”以及邵洵美的创作《歌》进行对比,围绕西来影响和个人风格的交融展开讨论,旨在从微观层面展示五四译诗的“欧化”具体如何“化”的过程。研究通过描述这一“欧化”对白话文的新诗创作可能提供的另一种参考,避免对五四译诗“全盘欧化”的泛论和定性,并尝试加深对邵洵美译诗的了解。Abstract: This paper is intended to compare Shao Xun-mei’s poetry translation from C. G. Rossetti’s poem “Song” with its original and with Shao’s poetry creation “Ge” from the perspectives of overall composition, rhythmic pattern and rhyming. The subsequent analysis revolves around the fusion of western influence and translator’s personal preference, aiming at demonstrating at micro-level the process of “Europeanization” in poetry translation of New Culture Movement in terms of how the “hybridization” actually operates. While it provided creation of New Verse in vernacular Chinese with another possible reference at the time, its description in the paper helps enrich understanding of Shao Xun-mei’s practice of his poetry translation and avoids the general and qualitative conclusion of the poetry translation as “total Europeanization”.
Key words:
- Shao Xun-mei /
- poetry translation /
- Europeanization /
- “Ge”
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