The Course, Experience and Future Trend of Ideology Construction of Chinese Communist Party in One Hundred Years
摘要: 中国共产党在推进意识形态建设的百年历史进程中积累了丰富的成功经验,对于新时代依然具有重要意义。这些宝贵经验在理论方面体现为坚持不懈地推动理论创新,坚决同错误思潮作斗争和推动意识形态话语的生活转化;在实践方面表现为以人民为中心开展意识形态工作,增进群众的情感认同,丰富意识形态宣传和教育方式;在基础保障层面表现为不断巩固和提升党的领导,强化人才支撑和完善制度保证。新时代,要围绕党的中心任务,推进意识形态理论创新;把握时代新动向,调整意识形态建设实践策略;加强基础保障力度,为意识形态建设提供坚强后盾。Abstract: The Communist Party of China has accumulated rich successful experience in the century-long historical process of promoting ideological construction, which has important enlightening significance for the new era. In theory, these valuable experiences are embodied in promoting theoretical innovation, resolutely fighting against erroneous trends of thought, and promoting the transformation of ideological discourse. In practice, it is manifested as taking the people as the center to carry out ideological work, enhancing the emotional identity of the masses, and enriching the ways of ideological propaganda and education. At the level of basic guarantee, it is manifested as consolidating, and promoting the leadership of the Party, strengthening the support of talents and perfecting the system guarantee. In the new era, we should promote the ideological theory innovation around the central task of the Party. Grasping the new trend of the times, adjusting the practical strategy of ideological construction, we should strengthen the basic guarantee to provide a strong backing for ideological construction.
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