Discussing Campaign of “Ancient Text” in Wuzhong in Mid-Ming Dynasty
摘要: 明中叶,吴中地区兴起了“古文辞”运动。吴中文人力倡“古文辞”,推崇“古文”,学习对象几乎囊括了以前所有朝代的优秀文学作品。以“古文辞”为号召的这场运动一时席卷吴中,在此影响之下,吴中文人理论上强调古人作品的思想性、情感性、辞采性;创作上继承古文尤其是吴中文学传统,同时他们厚古而不薄今,行文中也使用口语、俗语,对大众文化表示认同。“古文辞”运动成为明代“复古”潮流不可缺少的一环。Abstract: Campaign of "ancient text" rose in Wuzhong in mid-Ming Dynasty.Man-of-letters in Wuzhong highly praised and advocated the ancient text.The ancient texts that they advocated were ancient excellent literary works prior to Ming Dynasty.What they accentuated was ideological level-ffective reaction and the rich and bright colours of ancient text.In writing, they carried on the tradition of ancient text and Wuzhong literature, and made use of spoken language and folk adage, and identified with mass culture.
Key words:
- Mid-Ming Dynasty /
- Man-of-letters in Wuzhong /
- ancient text

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