The Tendency of Imagery Level Descending in the Translation of Poems of Three States of Imagery into English
摘要: 三境诗在审美价值建构上存在差异:物境诗以美、情境诗以情、理境诗以真为其审美价值建构核心。译者如果不能正确辨别原诗境界,英译时就会产生境界降位的问题,具体表现为:情境译为物境,理境译为物境,理境译为情境。文章对降位的原因作出了分析:三境诗追求含蓄内敛、实中藏虚的审美效果,故多使用具有多义性、模糊性、文化性的意象语言,以及隐喻、象征、暗示、典故等修辞手段,三者都会造成对原诗境界的遮蔽,进而造成英译境界降位。Abstract: There exist differences in construction of aesthetic value among poems of three states of imagery: poems of scenery imagery takes beauty, poems of emotion imagery takes emotion, poems of truth imagery takes truth, which is the core of the construction of aesthetic value. If a translator fails to identify a poem’s state of imagery, imagery level descending will arise when it is translated to English: a poem of emotion imagery is changed into that of scenery imagery; a poem of truth imagery into that of scenery imagery; a poem of truth imagery into that of emotion imagery. The reasons for such descending are explored. The pursuit for implicit, imaginary-real aesthetic effect; image language’s polysemy, ambiguity and cultural nature; rhetorical devices such as metaphor, symbolism, insinuation, all these factors obscure the original poem’s true state of imagery, and lead to descending of the translated poem’s state of imagery at last.
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