Study on the Mutual Influence of Chen Menglin’s Literature and Local Chronicles Theory
Abstract:With two identities, Chen Menglin has both the rigor of historians and the literary sentiments, resulting in the integration of his local records and literary creation. On the one hand, his literary thoughts are marked by the science of local chronicles. He advocates enlightenment with literature, emphasizing that literary writers must have a history of interest, he loves to use allusions, and integrates academic textual research into landscapes, presenting the critically-questionable and philosophical color of his research. On the other hand, his compiled local chronicles have more literary features. He attaches great importance to the collection of local literary texts and captures the special charm of literature in historical literature materials with his unique literary sensitivity. Both the choreography mode and the writing style reflect a conscious literary consciousness, setting a good example for Taiwan’s local records and having a far-reaching impact.
Key words:
- chen meng-lin /
- literature /
- local chronicles /
- mutual influence
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