Sociogenetic and Psychogenetic Investigation into World War I— A Comparative Study from Perspectives of Norbert Elias and Ku Hong-ming
摘要: 从社会发生观之,埃利亚斯认为,随着社会的职能分工越发精细化以及人际关系越发紧密化,“一战”是人类逐步走向更大区域的经济以及军事垄断共同体,最终通向人类全面持久和平的必然道路。而辜鸿铭却指出,在西方现代化的过程中,由于以宗教为基础的道德力量衰败,致使自由主义盛行,军国主义膨胀,在现代教育体制和政治制度的共同作用下所塑造的“群氓”则是“一战”的始作俑者,“一战”将会是西方文明的终结。从心理发生言之,双方对于“一战”及其影响的迥异观点也是缘于二者对于西方“人性本恶”的价值观和由此产生的“不安全感”的不同解读。总体而言,埃利亚斯看到了经济是文明的推动之力,而辜鸿铭却始终强调道德对于文明的塑造之功。因此,虽然二者都拥有普世主义的乐观与自信,但是其根本理论却截然不同。Abstract: Elias was confident that,with the development of labor division and human relationship,World War I was indispensable to economic and military integration in a larger region by means of fierce competition, which was the only solution to comprehensive and eternal peace of the human world. However, Ku Hong-ming sarcastically stated that in the course of modernization in the West, moral power entrenched in religion deteriorates, liberalism proliferates, militarism prevails, therefore social order had collapsed; and “mobs” who were shaped by modern educational system and political institution masterminded World War I. From psychological perspective, their diverging elucidations on World War I and its significance were indirectly and directly affected by their differing interpretation of both “evil human nature” rooted in Western culture and sense of insecurity aroused by this belief. Both were self-assured with their doctrine of universalism, for Elias attached importance to economy which propels forward history, but Ku Hong-ming uphold the supremacy of morality which shapes civilization. Both were self-assured with their doctrine of universalism, which yet arised from their utterly different theoretical foundations.
Key words:
- feudalism /
- monopoly /
- socialization /
- mobs /
- Religion of Good Citizenship
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