The Individuals Communities of Negative Freedom: on Noziek's Heterogeneity Utopia
摘要: 文章阐述了诺齐克的消极自由主义国家观。作者认为诺齐克的乌托邦理论以“人是目的,而不仅仅以人为工具”的道德边际约束为根本原则、以要求“个人存在权”为“异质性乌托邦”的立论基础。这种“消极自由”的个人联合体向人们展示:自由的共同体不仅使所有的善同时并行,而且使历史上不同的生活样态同时存在。Abstract: Nozick's Utopia throry takes "Human being as end, not only as the means" as the principle and the heterogeneity utopia of individual existence rights as the basis. Within the minimal state, then there is a room for utopia:not a single vision but a pluralist utopia.
Key words:
- negative freedom /
- individuals communities /
- Nozick /
- Heterogeneity Utopia

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