On the Creative Translation in Lin Yutang’s My Country and My People—The Perspective of Chinese Culture Going Abroad
摘要: 中国文化走出去既要彰显文化的独特性又要使其融入世界多元文化体系中,以求同存异,和谐发展。林语堂早在20世纪初亦有如此先明之举,他力排众议地以中译外和异语写作的方式对外传播中国文化。文章通过分析林语堂文化外宣作品《吾国与吾民》中的创造性翻译案例,发现在对待文化传播和中译外问题上,林语堂以其独特的文化态度,从一个广阔的国际视野,来对中国文化信息进行创造性翻译,充分发挥了其作为译者的主体性,也彰显了其深厚的文化底蕴、娴熟的双语能力和灵活的创造性翻译手法。Abstract: Chinese culture going abroad should not only highlight its uniqueness but also integrate into the world cultural system finally. As early as the beginning of 20th century, Lin Yutang began outputting Chinese culture by translating and writing in English. This paper deals with the “creative translation” in Lin Yutang’s My Country and My People, pointing out that, with unique cultural attitude, Lin Yutang enjoyed plenty of freedom to spread Chinese culture through translating Chinese cultural information creatively from an international view, thoroughly showing his subjectivity, mastery of both cultures and creative translation.
Key words:
- Lin Yutang /
- creative translation /
- cultural transmission /
- going abroad
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