Research on Marx’s Thoughts of Subject and Object during Neue Rheinische Zeitung
摘要: 《新莱茵报》时期是马克思思想转折的一个重要时期。随着对1848年欧洲革命失败的经验总结与理论反思,马克思日益发现,原先基于对主体性解读的哲学已经无力指导无产阶级革命走向成功,必须从高扬自我意识的人本主义转向对资本主义物质生产关系的解剖,从哲学批判转向政治经济学批判。马克思的这一转向不仅对他自己的哲学发展产生了重大影响,对而后的西方马克思主义乃至当代资本主义的研究都提供了重要的理论启示。因此,准确认知马克思在《新莱茵报》时期的哲学转向,是客观梳理马克思哲学思想史的应有议题。
- 《新莱茵报》时期 /
- 无产阶级革命理论:政治经济学批判 /
- 哲学转向
Abstract: The period of Neue Rheinische Zeitung is important to the turning point of Marx’s thoughts. With the review of the theory and experience after the failure of the revolution in 1848, Marx had realized that the previous philosophy, based on the excessive interpretation of subjectivity, had been unable to bring the success of the proletarian revolution and he needed make shifts from humanism to the dissection of relations of material production of capitalism, and from philosophy critique to economic critique. The philosophical turn of Marx not only made a significant impact on his own philosophical thinking, but also provided an important theoretical reference for later Western Marxism and even to today’s study of contemporary capitalist society. Therefore, an objective assessment of the philosophical shift is an essential part of combing the history of Marx’s thoughts. -
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