Among the more recent scholars, McLuhan's conception of media and technology as an extension of the human has been replaced by the conception according to which technology is no longer simply a tool, but the basis of thinking the human in general, so instead of thinking the subject and the body in relation to the social, the subject and the body are thought primarily through their relations with technology. The point of contention in thinking the relations between the human and technology should be the concept of life itself as it is produced within the capitalist axiomatic. Life itself, as both organic and nonorganic, is produced by the processes of deterritorialization on the one hand (capitalist axiomatic) and the processes of reterritorialization (the State) on the other hand, and by including these two processes in production of the subject, the body and technology, I will show in this paper that only by developing the ontology of the ahuman, as opposed to the ontology of the nonhuman, the inhuman and the posthuman, one can critically approach the age of contemporaneity.