Analyzing Ethic Puzzlement of Political Compromise in Gender View
摘要: 从社会性别的视角考察,政治妥协伦理困境根源于父权制下公共领域/私人领域、男人/女人、男性特质/女性特质的二元划分及对立。在当代,则源于民主体制下政治妥协之工具价值向本体价值的回归与统一,凸显为民主制度内生的民主、平等性与父权制的专制、等级观念的对立。市场经济、民主制度下自由个体的充分全面发展,及公共政治的多性别参与是政治妥协伦理困境终结的根本途径。Abstract: In the gender view, the ethic puzzlement of political compromise originates from the partition and opposability of the categories such as the public sphere/the private sphere, male/female, the masculine characters/the feminie characters in the patriarchy. At present, its roots lie in the unity of the tool value and the reality value of political compromise in democracy. It strongly displays the opposability of the democracy, equality of democracy society and the autarchy, rank of patriarchy society. To ultimately end the ethic puzzlement of political compromise, one way is that free individuals develop full and at all-round in the market economy and democracy system;the other way is that citizens with different genders should all participate in political affairs.
Key words:
- political compromise /
- gender /
- ethic puzzlement
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