Perfection of the Judicial Treatment System of Juvenile Delinquents
摘要: 在中国共产党建党百年之际,2021年6月1日,修订后的《未成年人保护法》和《预防未成年人犯罪法》同时施行,这既是我国未成年人事业划时代的一笔,也是对建党百年的一次献礼。在新的未成年人司法语境下,我国罪错未成年人司法处遇制度仍面临非犯罪化转处标准不明确、刑罚执行变更难和分级干预体系不健全等诸多问题,应借鉴域外少年司法先进经验,在国家亲权、儿童利益最大化、恢复性司法理念的指引下,明确罪错未成年人转处标准,完善未成年人缓刑、假释、减刑等制度,充实专门矫治教育措施,使罪错未成年人司法处遇制度更加体系化。Abstract: In 2021, the Law on the Protection of Juveniles and the Law on the Prevention of Juvenile Delinquency has been revised successively. Under the new judicial context of juveniles, minors have committed crimes. The human judicial treatment system still faces many problems. The decriminalization, non-penalization and non-custodial treatment systems for minors have problems such as imperfect systems and unclear applicable standards. In practice, the operation of the system faces difficulties. We should learn from the advanced experience of juvenile justice outside the territory, and under the guidance of the national parental rights, the maximization of children’s interests, and restorative justice concepts, we should clarify the standards for the transfer of wrongful minors, establish a transfer mechanism in each procedure, and improve the probation of minors systems such as parole and commutation, enrich special correction and education measures, and build a more complete judicial treatment system for minors who have committed crimes.
Key words:
- juvenile /
- judicial treatment /
- problems /
- improve path /
- special correction education
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