The Proletarian Literary from 1927 to 1929 and the Theory Construction of the People-oriented Standpoint
摘要: 随着第一次国内革命战争的失败,革命文学话语向无产阶级文学蜕变,崭新的文学理论话语肩负着重要的历史使命。1927—1929年史料文献涉及诸多与之相关的阐释与传播,由此形成的原初框架含有以人民为核心的现代观念,勾勒出中国无产阶级文学萌芽期的基本面貌。无产阶级文学概念的人民立场直指广阔的人民生活,关乎题材叙事形态,蕴含的人民意志,贯穿作家身份的思想形态论争,实现了从客体到主体的过渡与融合,从而多维度建构起无产阶级文学理论的人民本位理念,引领现代化社会的发展历程。Abstract: With the failure of the First Civil Revolutionary War, the discourse of revolutionary literature transformed into proletarian literature, and the new discourse of literary theory shouldered an important historical mission. The historical documents from 1927 to 1929 involved many related interpretations and dissemination. The original framework formed therefrom contained modern concepts centered on the people, and outlined the basic contour of the budding period of Chinese proletarian literature. The people’s standpoint of the proletarian literary concept directly refers to the broad life of the people, and it is related to the narrative form of the subject, the will of the people, and the ideological debate that runs through the identity of the writer. It realizes the transition and integration from the object to the subject, thereby constructing the proletariat in multiple dimensions. The people-oriented concept of literary theory leads the development process of modern society.
Key words:
- proletarian literature /
- people-oriented standpoint /
- theory construction /
- modernization
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