Research Progress and Achievement Review of Environmental Discourse Studies
摘要: 作为社会发展过程中的一个重要研究领域,环境话语研究近年来发展迅速,取得了较为丰厚的研究成果。文章重点关注语言学视角下的环境话语研究,采用文献法从环境话语的界定、语言特点、国内外学术史、研究概述等方面对现有研究进行回顾和整理,并对环境话语研究趋势提出看法。我们认为:环境话语主要源于环境与经济的对抗和对话,是环境现象与观念集合的语言表征,为人们理解环境、与环境沟通和对话提供了思维工具与概念化手段,其对建构、维持及改变环境现实具有重要意义;环境话语研究为语言学学科及人类与环境之间关系的探索提供了一个全新的视野,有着广阔的研究前景与重要的社会应用价值。Abstract: Environmental discourse studies grow very fast and have made a lot of achievements in recent years because of their importance in the process of social development.This paper focuses on environmental discourse studies from the perspective of linguistics and adopts the research method of literature review.It reviews all the relevant studies around the definition of environmental discourse, linguistic features, academic history home and abroad.It also puts forward new ideas on the research trends.The paper advances that environmental discourses are both linguistic products of antagonism between environment and economy, and linguistic representatives of environmental phenomena and notions.Environmental discourses, which provide cognitive tools and conceptual techniques for people to understand and communicate with environment,are very significant in constructing, sustaining and changing environmental reality.It proves that environmental discourse studies, which have bright research prospects and huge social application values,offer a new insight to the exploration of linguistics and the connection between human beings and environment.
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