The Traumas That Can't Be Forgotten: Review of The Rape of Nanking by Iris Chang
摘要: 美籍华人张纯如的《南京大屠杀:第二次世界大战中被遗忘的大浩劫》一书,从日本人、西方人、中国人三种视角讲述了南京大屠杀,分析了日本对中国的有计划的入侵、如何入侵及背后的深层原因,表现了日本在南京的残酷暴行以及中国人所承受的沉重的苦难、创伤。为了避免类似的历史悲剧重演,世界应该记住南京大屠杀及其留给世人的教训,对这一历史进行反思。Abstract: Iris Chang is a Chinese-American. She describes the Nanjing Massacre from the perspectives of Japanese, westerners and Chinese in her book The Rape of Nanking. She analyzes the Japanese invasion and the deep reasons. She also describes Japan’s atrocities in Nanking, the miseries and traumas of Chinese people. In order to avoid similar historical tragedies, the world should remember the Nanking Massacre and its lessons for the world, and reflect on the history.
Key words:
- Iris Chang /
- The Rape of Nanking /
- trauma /
- reflection
1. 袁文卓. 族裔认同为基 追寻真实为本——对华裔作家张纯如书写的解读. 华侨华人历史研究. 2017(02): 71-78 . 百度学术

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