On the Imitation of “Ten Scenes of West Lake” in the Old Summer Palace
摘要: 同步于清帝的南巡盛典,作为江南著名风物的杭州西湖十景被一一仿建在北京圆明园中,一开这座皇家园林“移天缩地”的先声。文章通过对圆明园与杭州两处“西湖十景”的比对,厘清了圆明园对其写仿的方法为“实景写仿”与“会意写仿”两类,并通过院本绘画、现状照片、清帝御制诗以及保存在故宫博物院中的清宫样式房图档,分别就每一景的对景关系作一简析,得出了圆明园写仿杭州西湖十景过程中的尺度缩小、官式做法、意境追索等特点的结论。Abstract: With the Qing emperors' southern tours,the famous ten scenes of West Lake in Hangzhou city were replicated gradually in the Old Summer Palace in Beijing,heralding the fashion of landscape miniaturization in the imperial garden. Based on the comparison of the ten scenes of West Lake in Hangzhou and in the Old Summer Palace in Beijing,the paper clarifies that the methods of reconstruction are "live imitation" and "knowing imitation",with the characteristics of size reduction,official practice,artistic conception,etc.
Key words:
- the Old Summer Palace /
- ten scenes of West Lake in Hangzhou /
- imitation
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